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Making of...


The process for my projects starts with an idea that flows within a process. My methodology of work came along with a record of my process through sketching, research and testing.


"Shreddies" start by throwing two perfectly round clay sphere on the pottery wheel, one slither than the other (for the shell) and another with a large opening for the Hot glass to be later blow onto. When clay gets to leather hard stage, a collection of holes are punctured through the sphere, to create the glass bubble pattern later

With the clay still having moister, a ho glass bubble is blown inside the sphere, and little bubbles scape through the holes


Demonstration tutorials with Glass Master James Maskrey, National Glass Centre, 2018


Master James Maskrey assisting me through the process. 


Once the hot glass hits the soft clay, it quickly drys to the bone, then the clay must be removed and later recycled.

The first larger sphere, also contains there same hole sequence, is open with by hand, to create the final shell. The its dry, bisque fired and later glazed on


After annealing, the glass bubbles are then grind and polished 


After the shells are glazed and the glass bubbles are polished, the two are combined with silicone


Final Result


Making of...

          "Joyful Spurts"

Inspired by sculptural artist, Dan Lams the "Blobs", and equally processed as the "shreddies" collection, I explored the different textures in mediums that combined with crater glazed clay pieces, create and organically shaped form.


The process starts as the same way as the "shreddies" collection. A cohort of thrown ceramic spheres, with a variety of scales, combined into a organic form, when later are bisque fired and glazed


Combined stoneware clay spheres, leather hard, with a hand made stain slip

Cratar and gloss self-made glazes


Polyurethane is a two part substance that combined create an expansive foam effect that cures into a squishy sponge like texture.


Combined with the hardness of the crater glazed ceramic piece, the soft texture of the polyurethane embodies the concept of and abstract organic form

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